As you’d expect from an editor, the Editor role holds the highest position in overseeing a WordPress website's content. The only role higher than the Editor regarding privileges is the Admin, who can perform site management tasks as well as manage and delete content as per this role. Users assigned the Editor role have total control over website content, their rights mean they can manage posts such as write, edit and publish and have the power to delete their own posts and pages, this includes those written by anyone else. The Editor can also view comments and moderate, alter, and delete them as they see fit.
An Editor’s rights go beyond content management. They may also manage categories add or delete tags and even upload files. Aside from having open access to all content related aspects of your site, the Editor won't have access to your site's settings, plugins or users.
Given that Editors traditionally review posts submitted by contributors, it’s smart to never assign this role to a regular contributor due to the generous permission included. Since they can delete published posts, we recommend only assigning the role of Editor to someone you trust. If you're still unsure about giving anyone so much free reign on your website, limit the rights of the role. Remember, every user role can be tweaked to meet your needs.