Emoji horoscope icons

Get an emoji horoscope for any astrological sign, then copy and paste it to share anywhere online.

This week23 March 2025 - 29 March 2025
Let Font Maker calculate your horoscope to reveal what your future holds. Your horoscope is converted into emoji form so you can easily copy and paste it to share online.

How to interpret your emoji horoscope

Having trouble understanding your emoji horoscope? Here’s a brief guide:

First, determine your star sign according to your date of birth.

Date rangeStar signSymbolRelated emojisMarch 21 – April 19Aries♈️🐐April 20 – May 20Taurus♉️🐂May 21 – June 20Gemini♊️👯‍♀️June 21 – July 22Cancer♋️🦀July 23 – August 22Leo♌️🦁August 23 – September 22Virgo♍️👩‍🔬 👩‍🎓 👷‍♀️September 23 – October 22Libra♎️⚖️ 👩‍⚖ ️👨‍⚖ ️October 23 – November 21Scorpio♏️🦂November 22 – December 21Sagittarius♐️🐴 🏹December 22 – January 19Capricorn♑️🐟 + 🐐 = ?January 20 – February 18Aquarius♒️🚰 💧February 19 – March 20Pisces♓️🐟 🐠 🐡 🦈

Once you’ve found your star sign, check your horoscope using the tool above. Then, interpret the resulting emojis. We’ll use an example to explain the process.

Let’s say you’re a Libra and your horoscope was:

🥔 🤬 📞

Now, this could mean a number of things.

There are literal interpretations:

You’ll receive an angry potato-related phone call.

There are symbolic interpretations:

Here, the potato stands for hard work. The angry face is a father figure. The phone is symbolic of society’s unhealthy dependence on technology. You need to spend less time working and more quality face-to-face time with your parents.

There are emotional interpretations:

These symbols make you angry for no specific reason. You hate fries, swearing, and telephones. This means you’re going to have a terrible week.
The only way of truly making the correct interpretation is to wait until after it has already happened. Once the week has passed, you can work out what your emojis meant. Hindsight is 20/20.

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