What do I need to validate an EV certificate?

Extended Validation (EV) certificates provide, along with the strong encryption, the best Identity Assurance available. Before any EV SSL certificate can be issued, the Certification Authority must independently obtain and validate information about the organization that requires the certificate, including verification of the physical address and registered business identity.

Please quote the Sectigo Order Number in all correspondence regarding the company verification. This ID can be found on the Certificate Details page in your Namecheap account Dashboard.

All the Extended Validation certificates are available only for registered Companies and Organizations. To pass through validation process for the certificates of this type of validation, company name should be listed in an official government database as well as in a third party database (such as DUN & Bradstreet, hoovers.com) which verifies the operational existence of a company.

If you have a Company or an Organization and are going to purchase an EV certificate, check Comodo (now Sectigo CA) validation requirements.

To process your Comodo (now Sectigo) certificate please fill in the EV SSL Subscriber Agreement and Certificate Request Form (forms can be downloaded here), and return the signed documents, quoting your Sectigo Order Number via Comodo (Sectigo) Support Ticket system, so that Comodo (Sectigo) EV Validation Team can proceed with validation of your organization and issue the certificate in a timely manner.

In rare cases EV Validation Team may request additional data such as bank account details, a copy of the company registration document, or a legal opinion letter.

Note: To check the progress status and take action to expedite your Certificate issue, use the convenient SSL Validation Tool.

If you are not a part of an organization, EV certificate issuance might still be possible for you. Please refer here for more details.

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