What operating systems are available with a VPS/Dedicated Server

VPS packages can be set up with the following distributions of Linux:

  • AlmaLinux 8 Blank/cPanel/InterWorx/Webuzo 64 Bit (set up by default if you choose this OS)
  • AlmaLinux 9 Blank/cPanel 64 Bit
  • Ubuntu 20.04 Blank/LAMP 64 Bit
  • Ubuntu 22.04 Blank/Webuzo 64 Bit (set up by default if you choose this OS)
  • Debian 11 Blank 64 Bit
  • Debian 12 Blank 64 Bit (set up by default if you choose this OS)

    Dedicated servers can be set up with the following distributions of Linux:

  • Ubuntu LTS
  • Debian
  • CloudLinux ($20/month)
  • Fedora
  • AlmaLinux

  • PLEASE NOTE: If you require a specific version of the OS, please contact our Billing team via Live Chat or email us to billing@namecheap.com.

    Let’s talk about what Linux distributions are and the differences between the ones we provide.

    Linux distribution is an OS that is built upon the Linux kernel, which is the core of the OS that handles memory as well as input/output requests from software, etc. A full Linux distribution consists of the kernel plus a number of other software tools for file-related operations, user management, and software package management.

    A package manager is an important part of an OS and is a set of tools that automates installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software for an OS.

    Choosing the distribution comes down to personal preferences, user goals, and requirements of the software that is planned for use. For example, cPanel can only be installed on CloudLinux and AlmaLinux.

    Below we will describe each of the available distributions in more detail.

    PLEASE NOTE: With Dedicated Server Hosting you are not limited to options listed below if you’re able to perform the Operating System (OS) setup on your side.

    Ubuntu - Free

    Based on Debian, Ubuntu is a free OS and was initially released in 2004. Ubuntu and Debian are two distributions that share a lot of common features such as Debian’s package format and package manager. Many available packages are compatible with both Ubuntu and Debian. However, that’s not always the case. Ubuntu receives more frequent updates than Debian, which means it includes more up-to-date software and new features.

    Ubuntu is better suited to those who want to have all the latest services and software. Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) releases are still stable and secure, just not as stable and secure as Debian. LTS releases have a support shelf life of 5 years.

    Ubuntu also comes with certain features like pre-installations and enabled default firewalls, making it easier for beginners and advanced users alike so the solutions can be found more easily.

    Debian - Free

    Debian is a free OS, with the first version being released in 1993. It is one of the earliest operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Debian’s stable version updates are infrequent and contain somewhat outdated software. However, every release is thoroughly tested and remains incredibly stable and secure.

    Debian is a suitable choice for enterprise servers where stability and security are of the highest priority. Debian stable releases are supported for about 3 years.

    CloudLinux - $20/month (for Dedicated servers only)

    CloudLinux is a paid subscription that’s marketed to web hosting providers. CloudLinux comes with a modified system kernel and a set of original features. Some of the features include:

    • Increased stability of the shared environment due to the encapsulation of each client’s processes in its own secure and isolated environment.
    • Increased security due to using a virtual file system to keep users from seeing one another and viewing sensitive information.
    • Flexible features such as Python/Ruby/Node.JS apps, which support Shared Hosting users and a PHP selector, which allows users to easily customize their PHP version and used extensions.
    • Performance features, such as mod_lsapi, which is the fastest way to serve PHP with Apache.

    You can find more information about CloudLinux in this article.

    To recap, CloudLinux is the OS of choice for those who plan to use Shared Hosting or Reseller Hosting in the future.

    Fedora - Free

    Fedora is a free operating system that is based on the Linux OS kernel architecture. Fedora is a very stable, secure, and lightweight operating system. It provides unique security features, offers many graphical tools, supports many file formats, offers many education software, and updates automatically.

    New Fedora releases are available about every six months and every release gets updates for about 13 months.

    AlmaLinux - Free

    AlmaLinux is an open-source Linux distribution, created originally by CloudLinux to provide a community-supported, production-grade enterprise operating system that is binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). The first stable release of AlmaLinux was published on March 30, 2021. AlmaLinux 8 will be supported until 2029.
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