Bandwidth explained

Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred/transmitted through communication channels (network) in a specified period of time. Each time a visitor accesses a website and views the content, bandwidth is used. It highly depends on traffic, but these are two different notions. While the traffic is the actual amount of the visitors, bandwidth is the summary of the data exchanged with the server due to actions of the users of the website . So, the bandwidth is used when the website is being browsed by visitors. The content of each page loaded in the browser consumes a certain amount of bandwidth.

The higher the bandwidth allocated to the account is, the more traffic it allows. At the same time, the amount of visitors and how actively they are using the website differs during the day and depending on the working week and weekends, some special events.

That is why we offer a flexible system of unmetered bandwidth with our Shared packages, that is getting adjusted to the actual resources used at the exact moment.

When the hosting is needed for an absolutely new website, there is no other way of finding out the required bandwidth than testing it live. It means, that once the website is launched it becomes possible to gather statistics of the resources usage including bandwidth and easily upgrade the plan if it is required. No calculations in theory will work in the case of a website that is not created yet, since ideas and plans do differ greatly from actual results online. The bandwidth usage does not stay the same permanently for an online website. Changing the theme and layout, adding extra pages, uploading more viewable content, becoming popular among visitors influence the amount of bandwidth needed. So, the situation when previously perfectly fitting resources become insufficient is normal. Our Support team will gladly help you to estimate if your account already requires an upgrade because of this.

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