To enable https redirection follow these steps:
NOTE: we recommend making a backup of your website before proceeding with any changes. If your Magento was installed using Softaculous, you may follow this guide to backup your installation.
1. Log in to your Magento dashboard and go to Stores > Configuration:

2. Next, go to General > Web > expand the Base URLs (Secure) section:

3. Set 'Use Secure URLs on Storefront' and 'Use Secure URLs in Admin' to yes and click the Save Config button :

4. Go to cPanel > Exclusive for Namecheap customers section > Namecheap SSL:

5. Next, click Installed via "Namecheap SSL" and switch HTTPS Redirect toggle on:
NOTE: This feature is available if the SSL certificate was installed via the Namecheap SSL plugin only. The certificate status must be Active.
HTTPS by default toggle enables the redirect automatically for the
free cPanel PositiveSSLs only; it is turned
On by default and can be switched
Off manually. You can find out more details

That's it!