1-year free cPanel PositiveSSL certificate offer

Promo terms

Any customer who purchases a shared hosting plan will receive 1 free SSL certificate for 1 year for every domain or subdomain hosted on that shared hosting account. This offer applies to up to 50 domains/subdomain per hosting (cPanel) account.

How does it work? 
The SSL certificates will be automatically issued and installed whenever a domain or subdomain is added to the cPanel account as a main or addon domain. To continue using the SSL after the first year, simply purchase the renewal SSL through the shopping cart. Once payment is made, the renewal SSL will be automatically issued and installed on your hosting account. Ensure that the domain/subdomain for the certificate is properly pointed to our Namecheap hosting nameservers.

    Who is eligible?
    • Shared hosting customers

    Offer Limitations
    • Domains that have already used one free SSL certificate are not eligible for another free SSL.
    • If you switch hosting plans, you won't receive another free SSL for a domain that has already benefited from the offer, unless you upgrade to a higher plan.
    • Switching hosting plans means canceling your current plan or letting it expire, then purchasing a new plan at the same tier. For example, if your current plan is Stellar and yourdomain.com has already used one free SSL year, canceling or letting your Stellar package expire and then buying a new Stellar package, with yourdomain.com as the main or addon domain, constitutes switching hosting plans.
    • SSLs obtained through this promotion may not be resold.
    • SSLs obtained through the promotion must be used for domains hosted on Namecheap's shared hosting and may not be used with any other hosting provider.
    • We reserve the right to immediately suspend the SSLs or revoke participation in the promotion if we suspect any violation of the promotional rules.

    What if I do not want to use the free SSL certificate?

    You can disable HTTPS redirection in Namecheap SSL plugin. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to our SSL team via Live Chat or email us to sslsupport@namecheap.com.
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