How to use EasyWP with a domain

 If your domain name is registered with, there are several options for you to connect it to your EasyWP website:

Add an ALIAS (ANAME) Record

Use Namecheap’s FreeDNS

Set up a redirect

Add an ALIAS (ANAME) Record

In order to connect your domain name using the ALIAS option, you need to create your EasyWP website using our temporary domain name.

1. Copy the ALIAS record once the website is created as described here.

2. Once the record is copied, log in to your account and navigate to My Domains menu:

Choose the domain name you want to add an ALIAS record for and Click on the Quick Links >> Manage DNS Records:


Choose the ANAME (ALIAS) type of record from the drop-down menu, and paste the following records:

Host: @
Answer: the generated ALIAS record
TTL: 300

Click Add Record after all the sections are filled in:


Use Namecheap’s FreeDNS

Feel free to check this guide in order to set up and use our FreeDNS records.

The FreeDNS service can be enabled before your website is created. In this case, you’ll be able to select your desired domain name for your website right away in the EasyWP dashboard.

You can also create your website using EasyWP’s free temporary domain name and changing it to your domain after FreeDNS is enabled.

To add the nameservers to your account, simply follow the next steps:

1. From within the Domains menu, choose the Manage Nameservers option in the Quick Links drop-down menu:


2. After accessing the menu, delete the existing nameservers and paste in the following FreeDNS ones:


3. Once you’ve done this, click Update on all the records:


NOTE: The domain propagation for the nameservers can take up to 48 hours. After this time, your domain name will appear in the EasyWP dashboard and you’ll be able to point it to EasyWP.

In case you need to change your current website domain name to the one, feel free to follow this guide.

1.    Create a new EasyWP website using a temporary domain by following the instructions provided here.
2.    Sign into your account.
3.    Go to My account > My Domains:

4.    Next to the domain name you would like to redirect to your EasyWP website, select URL Forwarding from the drop-down list:


5.    Fill in the required details:
  • Domain: leave this field blank if you would like to forward forward both the bare (e.g., and all subdomains, or enter the subdomain you would like to forward (e.g.,
  • Forwards to: your EasyWP free temporary domain name (e.g.,
  • Type: should be Redirect
6.    Click on the Add Forwarding button:

That’s it!

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