.SG is the country code top-level domain for Singapore.
SGNIC (.SG domains Registry) allows registering .COM.SG, .ORG.SG, .NET.SG, .EDU.SG and .PER.SG domains, though at present, it is possible to register only .SG and .COM.SG domain names at Namecheap.
Who can register these domains:
- .SG domains can be registered by any individual or company/business that has a local presence or an agent in Singapore.
- .COM.SG domains can be registered by Singaporean companies/businesses only or entities that have a local presence or an agent in Singapore.
NOTE: SGNIC does not provide the Registrant with the right to sell, trade, assign or otherwise deal with the domain name registration. Thus, it's not allowed to sell your .SG and .COM.SG domains in
Marketplace due to Registry restrictions.
SGNIC requires that all new .SG domain names undergo compulsory verification using SingPass. Verification is to be carried out for the administrative contact of a domain name to verify the identity and contact information of the Registrant.
As an exception under specific conditions, Registrants who are unable to arrange for individuals or organizations possessing a SingPass ID to act as an administrative contact can appoint an organization with a valid SGNICID as the administrative contact.
To apply for a SGNICID, the applicant should submit the completed form with the supporting documents (refer to the Annex of the form) for pre-screening and approval (email to dnq@sgnic.sg or fax to 66592532). More details about the verification process can be found on the SGNIC website.
During domain registration, one of the following Registrant Types can be selected:
- Individual - for .SG domains
- Organization - for .SG / .COM.SG domains
If the Registrant is Individual, the following information is to be provided:
- a valid Singapore postal address for the Administrative contact
- the “Organization name” and “Job Title” fields are to be left empty for all sections of contact details
- a valid Registrant and Administrative Identification Form - Singaporean ID card number (SingPass ID) in the #0000000@ format.There are several kinds of SingPass IDs:
- NRIC (National Registration Identity Card) or CPFB (Central Provident Fund Board) unique account number - SingPass ID for Singapore citizens & permanent residents
- FIN (Foreign Identification Number) - SingPass ID for foreigners/employees

* The Administrative Identification fields appear when you select “Singapore” as a country for the Registrant or/and Technical contact in your contacts.
Please note that custom SingPass IDs are not allowed for the domain registrations as such "personalized" IDs cannot be used for E-services. SGNIC’s system can only accept SingPass ID in the format of Singapore NRIC or FIN.
If the Registrant is Organization, the following information is to be provided:
- a valid Singapore postal address for the Administrative contact
- the “Organization name” and “Job Title” fields are to be left empty for the Administrative contact.
- the “Organization name” and “Job Title” fields are to be filled in for the Registrant contact.
- Organization name should exactly match the one associated with the Unique Entity Number (UEN). You can check your Organization name by the UEN using this tool.
- a valid Registrant Identification Form - Company Registration number (Unique Entity Number - UEN). SGNIC requires organization IDs to comply with Accounting &
Corporate Regulatory Authority - ACRA. More details about it can be
found in the SGNIC document.
- a valid Administrative Identification Form - SingPass ID in the #0000000@ format. Kinds of SingPass IDs are described in the previous section above.
When you register .SG / .COM.SG domains, you are required to accept the Consent Email which is sent to your Registrant email address in the short period of time after the order was submitted. The email will be sent if your registrant email address does not have a prior record of supplied consent on the side of SGNIC.
The administrative contact should be verified within 21 calendar days from the date of registration via the VerifiedID@SG Portal. This can be done for the administrative contact via two ways:
1. By clicking on the link in the email that will be sent by SGNIC to the administrative contact’s email; or
2. By going to the VerifiedID@SG portal directly at the following URL: http://verifiedid.sgnic.sg
NOTE: .SG domains are verified automatically if the Administrative contact is ADICIO PTE LTD (SGNIC-ORGAD254369). In that case, you will not see such domain names in your SGNIC account and will not receive the email to verify the identity.
TIP: You may also fill in extended attributes in advance or after domain registration so that they are used for all your future registrations. Please refer to the “What are a domain's extended attributes?” article to know how.
That's it!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Support Team.