.NU domain registration requirements

.NU is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to the island state of Niue.

Basically, everyone in the world can register a .NU domain. However, Personal ID or Organization ID and VAT ID (for Swedish organizations only) as extended attributes are required.

The details you'll need to submit will depend on the Registrant type:

  • Swedish residents:
IndividualPersonal Identification Number (sample format: [SE]123456-1234).

Company/business: Organization Identification Number  (sample format:[SE]123456-1234) and VAT ID in the "VAT Number" field.

  • Non-Swedish residents:
Individual: ID number (e.g., Civic registration number, or the equivalent) in the following format: [CC]1234567890000. [CC] is to be replaced with actual country code: [PK], [UK], [US] etc.

Organization: Company registration number (or the equivalent), VAT ID is optional for all non-Swedish residents.

Company registration number should start with ISO 3166 Alpha-2 country code in square brackets (e.g. [US] for United States), followed by 1 to 123 characters. It will look like [US]123456789.

: You may also fill in extended attributes in advance or after domain registration so that they are used for all your future registrations. Please refer to the "What are a domain's extended attributes?" article to know how.

That's it!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Support Team.

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