How to distribute Email Storage among Private Email accounts

With Private Email service you are free to distribute email storage among the mailboxes you have. By default, Starter plan provides each mailbox with 5Gb of email storage, Pro - 10Gb and Ultimate - 15Gb of email storage per mailbox.

If you need to change these values, follow the steps below:

1. Sign in to your Namecheap account >> Private Email menu on your left, and then click Manage next to the needed subscription:

2. There you will see Email Storage and File Storage usage:

Email Storage indicator will show you the whole amount of disk space assigned to your email accounts and the amount that is actually assigned to email storage.

In our case we have 3 email accounts, each one is provided with 10Gb of email storage, each email account has 10Gb assigned to it. Thus, there is 30Gb of 30Gb shown.

File Storage indicator shows the disk space used with your OX Drive storage.

3. Now scroll down to see the mailboxes you have with your Private Email service. Click on Edit Storage to change email storage for the mailbox:

4. Email Storage usage will be changed accordingly:

5. Now we have 5Gb of free space that can be assigned to another email account. If you edit storage for another mailbox, you will see the following:

Thus, email storage for the mailbox can be increased to 15Gb:

6. Below you can see the result of the storage distribution:

7. If you do not wish to decrease Email Storage for the existing mailboxes, but still need to add more space, you can order additional mailbox and use its email space:

NOTE: it is not possible to set 0 value, the minimum is 1 Mb.

8. Now you can assign 10Gb to another mailbox or distribute this value among several mailboxes according to your needs:

That's it!

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