What is a CXS License?

A CXS, or ConfigServer eXploit Scanner, is a tool that performs active scanning of files as they are uploaded to the server. It can detect suspicious files found on the server, as well as prevent most (but not all) exploits from being uploaded or run on the server.

Active file scanning performed by CXS prevents malware exploitation of an account by deleting or moving suspicious files to quarantine before they become active. It can also prevent the uploading of PHP and perl shell scripts, which are commonly used to launch more malicious attacks and for sending spam.

Additionally, CXS allows you to perform on-demand scanning of files, directories, and user accounts to detect suspicious exploits, viruses, and resources (files, directories, symlinks, sockets, etc.). You can run scans of existing user data to find exploits that have been uploaded in the past, or using methods not included with active scanning.

Included with the CXS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a web-based User Interface (UI) which can help you:
  • Run scans
  • Schedule and edit scans via CRON
  • Compose CLI scan commands
  • View, delete, and restore files from quarantine
  • View documentation
  • Set and edit default values for scans
  • Edit commonly used CXS files
CXS license orders have the following system requirements:

Control Panel: cPanel/WHM

Operating System: CloudLinux 7/8, AlmaLinux 8

CXS is a commercial product that is sold and licensed strictly on a one-time per server basis, with updates provided for the life of the product. To order a CXS license ($60), please reach out to our Billing/Sales department via Live Chat or email.

CXS license is installed for free for VPS Quasar, VPS Magnetar,and Dedicated plans with the Complete Management.

VPS Pulsar resource limitations do not allow installation, so you can request one-time CXS scans instead.

If the license is installed on the server, you can scan your account via the CXS scanner, feel free to follow these steps.

NOTE: Interaction with the CXS license requires root access. Since root access is not provided on complete managed servers, all the uploaded files are scanned automatically while all the inquiries related to ad-hoc scan, quarantine, and interpreting the results can be addressed to our technical support.
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