Private Email account setup in MacMail OS X El Capitan (SMTP/IMAP)

This tutorial will show you how to set Private Email account in MacMail OS X El Capitan using IMAP for incoming and SMTP for outgoing mail.

There are two possible options for incoming mail, and this article covers just one of them: IMAP. IMAP protocol will allow syncing emails in various folders between a number of devices. POP will download emails from Inbox folder to this device only. IMAP is recommended.

You can set up your mail account Automatically or Manually by following the instructions below.

Automatic configuration

Manual setup

Automatic configuration

In order to set up the necessary features, log in to webmail from your Mac. Then click on the User icon in the top right corner >> Connect Your Device:

1. Click on the Apple tab >> Mac:

2. To set up your Mail account click Configure Now to install the settings automatically:

3. Once the installation file is uploaded to your PC, you will be redirected to the Profiles window. Click Continue to install the settings:

4. The following message may appear, in this case click Continue to proceed:

5. You will need to enter the password to your Private email account and click Install:

5. Now your email account is installed via IMAP:

Manual setup

You can check the manual settings for your account by  clicking on the User icon >> Connect Your Device section:

Click on the Apple tab >> Mac:

To check the settings for the Manual setup click on the Mail tab >> Expert User?:

Now you will be able to check your individual settings:

To use these settings on your Mac follow the steps below:

1. Select Preferences in Mail menu:

2. Go to Accounts tab, and click on + icon:

3. Select Add Other Mail Account option:

4. In Add a Mail Account window enter your full name, email address and email account password, then click on Sign In:

5. Application will try to detect settings automatically. Disregard the result and fill in these boxes manually. Enter your account details:

Email address: full email address
Username: full email address
Password: password for your email account
Account type: IMAP
Incoming Mail Server: (it should not be changed)
Outgoing Mail Server: (it should not be changed)

Click on Sign In once the details are filled:

6. You may use both Mail and Notes here:

7. The next step is to verify that Outgoing Mail Server settings are correct. While on Accounts tab of Preferences window, click on a drop-down menu next to Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) item on the list and choose Edit SMTP Server List... from the appearing menu:

8. Switch to Advanced tab and verify that your settings are as follows:

Automatically detect and maintain account settings: should be switched off
Port: 465 with SSL enabled, 587 with SSL disabled
Authentication: set to Password
Allow insecure authentication: should be switched on
User Name: full email address
Password: password for your email account

Click OK once done:

9. The next step is to verify Incoming mail server settings. In Accounts area of MacMail preferences, click on Advanced tab:

Verify that your Advanced settings are as follows:

Automatically detect and maintain settings: should be disabled
Port: 993 with SSL enabled or 143 with SSL disabled
Authentication: Password
Allow insecure authentication: should be enabled
Use IDLE command if the server supports it: should be disabled

NOTE: once your settings are correct, click on red circle on the top left of preferences window:

10. Click on Save in the pop-up window in order for your changes to get accepted:

That's it!

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