Generating a CSR on Node.js

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Node.JS is an open-source cross-platform RE (runtime environment) for developing server side web applications. As an asynchronous event-driven framework, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.

As for security, this server RE can have an SSL certificate installed to use mod tls and consequently use https.createServer for HTTP over TLS connection.

The generation of a certificate signing request can be done via OpenSSL. Check it in your modpack using this command:

$ openssl

If there is no such addon, download it using this command:

npm install openssl

After that, use the following command for CSR/RSA private key generation:

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout example_com.key -out example_com.csr

Use only alphanumeric characters (English letters and numbers) filling the required fields with the needed information:

  • Common Name (the domain name certificate should be issued for, for Wildcard certificates use *
  • Country (two digit ISO compliant country code)
  • State (or province)
  • City
  • Organization ( Legally registered company name - obligatory for Organization Validation and Extended validation certificates, NA can be used for Domain Validation certificates)
  • Organizational Unit (Department - Additional company information, NA can be used for DV certificates as well)
  • E-mail address

Your CSR will be generated in a .csr file, and the private key will be placed in the .key file.

Copy the generated CSR and proceed with the certificate activation procedure.

After the certificate issuance is completed, use this guide to install it.

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