SSL Reseller F.A.Q.

Here you can find answers to the most frequent questions on our SSL Reseller program.

  • Is there any fee to activate the SSL Reseller Program?

    If you are an existing Namecheap customer and have previously made orders with us, our system will calculate your total receipts (money spent on services and deposits made) and according to the amount spent will suggest you Reseller Level you are eligible for.

    Total receipts should be at least $50 in order to start using the SSL Reseller program.

    If the amount spent with us is less than $50 or is not enough for the Reseller level you wish to get, you will need to make a deposit to your account. This deposit can be used for purchases within our system.

    You can check the reseller levels and their total receipts requirements below:

    Level 1 – $50 - $299
    Level 2 – $300 - $1499
    Level 3 – $1500 - $2999
    Level 4 – more than $3000

  • Where can I find what pricing I have at the moment?

    You can find Reseller pricing listed here.

  • Do you provide White Labeled Reselling?

    For Comodo certificates White Labeled reselling is not available, at the moment.

  • Do you have API commands to have them implemented into my own system?

    Yes, you can use our API in order to resell certificates. API documentation can be found here.

  • Can I set my own pricing for certificates I’m reselling from you?

    Yes, you can set any pricing you wish for your customers.

  • Do you have a module for WHMCS to use with your API?

    Yes, our WHMCS module can be found here.

  • Do you have modules for other systems?

    Yes, there are several modules for other widely used systems. They are listed here.

  • If I get certificates for a fewer amount than my chosen Reseller Level in a year, will my Reseller program account be disabled?

    No, at the moment, we do not have any downgrades within our Reseller Program.

  • What do the certificate statuses in my account mean?

    Active (Reissue) – Certificate was activated and issued; can be reissued if required.

    N/A (Comodo) - If this is a Domain validated SSL and you have completed domain authentication, please contact Support to check if your order was set for a manual review by the Certificate Authority. In case this is an Organization validated certificate, there might be pending documents for Organization Authentication.

    Reissued – Certificate was re-issued, a new certificate ID with a new item was created in your account. This certificate is no longer valid.

    Activate Renew – Renewal certificate was purchased, but still needs to be activated to complete renewal process.

    Activate Now – Newly purchased certificate, not yet activated.

    PurchaseError - Something went wrong during activation. Contact our Support Team to get more details and reset certificate status.

  • How is a domain authenticated?

    To make sure you have access to the domain (hostname) you request the certificate for, an approval email is sent. You choose the email address it will be delivered to at the second step of certificate activation.

    A validation email is sent directly from a Certificate Authority within 10-15 minutes after activation is completed. In some cases it may take up to an hour for the email to be delivered.

    If you are not able to validate your domain via email, there are possible alternative ways of the domain ownership validation (available for Comodo certificates only).

  • Why does the renewal process require validation, if I already validated my certificate before?

    For the benefit of you and your customers, all certificate orders undergo a stringent Authentication process to confirm the legitimacy of the submitted Organization and Common Name. Authentication for additional or renewal certificates could take as little as several hours, or up to several days. It depends on the fact if the information you provide has already been Authenticated in past orders. If any information has been updated from a previous order, Certificate Authority will need to re-validate it before issuing. Up-to-date documents might be required to make sure the organization is still existing and valid.

  • Can I change information during reissue?

    To qualify as a replacement certificate, the CSR details must be the same as those in the certificate being replaced. Location or Organizational Unit change is not considered a change to the CSR information. Replacements with new information require a new enrollment, and revocation of the original certificate request.

    It is possible to change the domain name for the certificate during reissue process for Comodo certificates. The domain name can be changed to any other domain or subdomain.

  • What is Organization Authentication?

    Organization Authentication confirms:

  • The Organization and Organizational Contact are not listed in U.S. Government denied entity lists.
  • The Organization is registered or licensed to conduct business.
  • The Organization owns or has the right to use the requested domain.
  • The Organizational Contact can be verified as an employee of the Organization.

  • Which documents are required to issue Extended Validation certificate?

    You may find general requirements for certificates we provide here.

    More specific instructions are sent after activation of the certificate is completed, since each case is individual.

  • My certificate expired and I can’t find it under my account.

    After the certificate expires, it’s removed from the account. If you need to get a certificate renewed, you will need to purchase a new certificate.

  • My certificate has N/A as expiration date.

    This means that the certificate was not yet issued and thus it does not have an expiration date yet.

    If you have already received your certificate, status and expiration date might not have been updated within your account yet. It may take up to 30 minutes for the information to appear under your account.

  • My customer purchased a certificate and has not activated it immediately. Will he/she lose the time on the certificate?

    No, the certificate starts expiring only once it is activated and issued.

  • Where can I get Bundle files to provide to my customers?

    You can download completed Bundle file here.

  • I enabled Reseller Program, but I still see old prices on your web site. Why?

    It’s ok, that you see retail pricing on the web site. Price change is only visible, when you add a product to the shopping cart.

  • Updated
    36045 times

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