How can I delete my personal nameservers?

In order to delete your personal nameservers please follow the instructions below:

1. Sign into your Namecheap account (The Sign In option is available in the header of the page).

2. Mouse over the Account option in the upper right corner of the page and choose Domain List or select the Domain List menu in the bar on your left:

3. Click on the Manage option in front of the domain name you would like to delete Personal DNS servers for::

4. Click on the Advanced DNS tab and find the Personal DNS Servers section > select the type of your server from the drop-down menu (select Standard for ns1-ns9, dns1-nds9 nameservers and Custom for other ones).

 Then click on the Search button:

5. On the menu that appears, you will be able to delete the nameserver created previously:

NOTE: Prior to deleting personal nameservers, you need to make sure that no domains are using them.

Keep in mind that it is not possible to delete personal nameservers of .ES domains, since the Registry does not provide any means to do it.

That's it!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Support Team.

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