Supersonic CDN can be easily removed from your website in a few simple steps. Keep in mind that if you are having trouble using your CDN, our support team may be able to help resolve the issue.
In order to remove the CDN service from your website, follow these steps:
1. Login to your Supersonic CDN account in the Namecheap account >> Apps menu:
2. From your CDN Dashboard, go to the relevant website then find the corresponding three-dots button in the top right-hand corner:
3. Select the three-dots button. You will see the drop-down menu with a list of options — select Remove:
4. Now you should see a notification that says your CDN has been removed.
NOTE: In some cases, it can take up to 60 minutes for the previous DNS settings to take effect.
NOTE: For websites hosted on Shared Hosting, you can remove the WWW redirect created for CDN setup.
If your website is created on a content management system (CMS), learn how to change the URL for each of these platforms: WordPress, Joomla, Opencart.
If you wish to get a CDN for another domain, there’s no need to go through cancellation. It’s possible to re-assign the subscription to your new domain name from the Supersonic CDN dashboard, using the Set up website option.
There are two options for canceling your CDN subscription. You can either disable the auto-renewal option and keep the subscription for the remaining days of your subscription month, or cancel with immediate effect.
NOTE: Our Apps Marketplace products can be fully refunded within 24 hours of purchase or renewal. However, applications which have a trial period or free plan are not refundable.
To request a subscription cancellation and refund, contact our Support Team via Live Chat or send the email.
Turn off Auto-renewal to let the subscription expire
If you wish to cancel your CDN, you can disable your subscription auto-renew option:
Go to the Apps menu, then select the Subscriptions tab in the top-right corner
Next to the relevant subscription, toggle the auto-renewal option OFF:
Now the subscription will not be renewed for the upcoming billing period and canceled automatically for subsequent billing cycles.
Cancel subscription with immediate effect
If you need to cancel your CDN service immediately and cannot wait until your subscription expires, contact our 24/7 LiveChat Support.