Jellyfish Error Codes

In some cases, outgoing emails for Spacemail, Namecheap Private Email, and Shared Hosting services are bounced back with the "Rejected due to a high probability of spam" reason. In this case, the bounce-back email will contain the reason why the email was rejected prompting users to fix the issue and try again.

Here’s the list of possible error codes:

Error codeExplanation
JFE040000Rejected due to high probability of spam. Please email us if you need to get more details: 
Namecheap Private Email
Shared Hosting Service -
Spacemail -
JFE040001Our system classified the content of your email as being similar to known spam patterns. Please consider changing the wording of your message to avoid phrases and sentences common for unsolicited emails. You may find suggestions on improving your content in our guide: Why emails go to spam and what to do
JFE040002The message contains a file with an untrustworthy extension. Please refrain from adding attachments with this extension, or use an alternative method to share the file.
JFE040003The domain in your message has a poor reputation and is on a blocklist. Please contact the relevant blocklist provider to request delisting.
JFE040004Your email content corresponds with (or is similar to) a known spam pattern that is filtered by our system. You may find suggestions on improving your content in our guide: Why emails go to spam and what to do
JFE040005The domain in your message has a poor reputation and is on a blocklist. Please contact the relevant blocklist provider to request delisting.
JFE040006The URI in your message has a poor reputation. Please remove it and try again.
JFE040007Your message contains a URL with phishing-related content. To resolve this, remove or replace the URL in question. If the domain in the URL is in your administration, we recommend removing it from blocklists first.
JFE040008The subject line in your email contains only uppercase letters. Consider removing excessive capital letters from the subject line as it can be considered as spam-like behavior.
JFE040009Your ‘multipart/alternative’ message contains an odd number of URIs. Check that both the plain text and HTML versions of your message have the same number of URIs.
JFE040010The ‘Message-ID’ header is incorrectly formatted or missing. To resolve this, ensure that the email server generates unique and properly formatted Message-ID headers for each email, following the RFC 5322 guidelines.
JFE040011The sender seems to be forged as the email address in the ‘From’ field does not correspond to the mailbox from which the email is sent (‘envelope-from’ field). Please make sure that the sender is the same in both ‘From’ and in ‘envelope-from’ fields.
JFE040012The message body contains a text part encoded in Base64 format that does not contain any 8-bit characters (which means it might contain binary data or a malicious script). Remove Base64 encoding to allow your message to be sent.
JFE040013The message’s MIME header is formatted incorrectly. The MIME header is case-sensitive. You used ‘Mime-Version’, but the correct version of the header according to RFC 822 is ‘MIME-Version’. Please correct the header formatting before sending it again. This can be done in the script, mail client software, or in the settings of your mailing application.
JFE040014The HTML and text parts of your message do not match. Please ensure the content is the same in both, then try sending the message again.
JFE040015The subject of the message has a ‘Re:’ prefix, however, it does not look like a reply. Please avoid using the ‘Re:’ prefix when you aren’t replying to a message. If you wish to reply, however, please use a ‘Reply’ button in your Webmail or email client to form the message properly.
JFE040016The subject line in your message contains non-7-bit characters and must be encoded according to RFC rules (RFC 2047 and RFC 6532) to ensure correct rendering across email platforms. To fix this, ensure the special characters in the subject line are encoded. If you’re using any mailing software, check it for misconfigurations.
JFE040017The message is missing its Message-ID header. To resolve this, make sure that your email server or client generates and includes a unique Message-ID for each header of the outgoing emails.
JFE040018Subject line contains currency symbols which may be indicative of spam or phishing. Please remove the currency signs or terms commonly associated with financial solicitations from the subject line.
JFE040019The message has a date header specifying a timestamp in the past. To fix this, ensure that the system time on your email server is correctly configured and synchronized with a reliable time source before resending the email.
JFE040020The message has a date header specifying a timestamp in the future. To fix this, ensure that the system time on your email server is correctly configured and synchronized with a reliable time source before resending the email.
JFE040021The message contains an IPFS (Interplanetary File System) gateway URL, which is often associated with malicious emails. Please refrain from using IPFS URLs in messages, and consider using alternative non-IPFS links.
JFE040022The subject line in the message is heavily encoded in Base64 format, even though it lacks non-Unicode characters.This may result in the recipient's mail client decoding the subject incorrectly. To fix the issue, avoid encoding subjects, specifically as mail clients should do it for you where needed.
JFE040023The subject line ends with a question mark which can be a characteristic of spam or phishing attempts. Please remove the question mark in the subject line.
JFE040024The message is missing the MIME-Version header. To fix this, ensure that your email includes a MIME-Version header with the appropriate version number. You can fix this in your mailing script or mailing application.
JFE040025The introduction at the beginning of the email has triggered our anti-spam filter. Please reformat the introduction part in the beginning of the email.
JFE040026The recipients in the message's ‘envelope-to’ and ‘To’ header do not match which indicates a possible spoofing attempt. Please make sure you provide the same recipients both in ‘envelope-to’ and ‘To’ headers.
JFE040027The ‘From’ header of your message contains encoded characters, however, all symbols are 7-bit, so Base64 is not needed. Please check the scripts or mailing apps you are using, as there may be a non-printable symbol or a malicious string in the subject line that needs to be removed.
JFE040028The message content primarily consists of URLs, which can be a characteristic of spam or phishing emails. To address this, consider adding more meaningful content to your email, and avoid messages that only contain links.
JFE040029The message contains the email address that has a poor reputation. Please contact the relevant blocklist provider to request delisting.
JFE040030Content-Transfer-Encoding (CTE) for some parts of the email is set to 7-bit, which may not be appropriate for certain content types. To fix this, ensure that the CTE is correctly configured based on the content, using alternatives like quoted-printable or Base64 for non-ASCII characters. Also, you can check the mailing script or the mailing software you are using to adjust the Content-Transfer-Encoding appropriately.
JFE040031The message is missing a plain text part, which is considered untrustworthy and can also affect accessibility. Please either add a plain text version of the email or check that your email client is configured properly to generate this when a message is created.
JFE040032The ‘Reply-To’ header in the message contains a different domain than in the ‘From’ header. This is considered untrustworthy, since spammers often use it to spoof and trick the recipient to send an off-domain reply. Please correct this and resend your message.
JFE040033The recipients in the message seem to be auto-generated. Please avoid sending emails to more than 5 recipients at once if the addresses are similar or seem like automatically generated addresses.
JFE040034X-Mailer header indicates a very old Mail User Agent version. Update your mailing software to the latest version to resolve this issue.
JFE040035Your message contains a suspicious URL. To resolve this, remove or replace the URL in question.
JFE040036‘From’ header display name is the same as the sending address. Please refrain from using email addresses as display names as this practice is associated with spam-like behavior.
JFE040038The ‘Reply-To’ header in the message is the same as the ‘To’ email address, but it should lead to the same domain as ‘From’ address. Please adjust the ‘Reply-To’ address and try resending the message.
JFE040039The message is missing the ‘To’ header. It's likely that the mailing agent or script used for sending this message is misconfigured, or in rare cases, it can be a mail server issue. Please fix the issue and try resending the email.
JFE040040Rejected due to high probability of spam. Please email us to if you need to get more details: 
Namecheap Private Email
Shared Hosting Service -
Spacemail -

Also, sometimes users can receive a bounce-back message with the JFE030050 error code when attempting to send emails to Spacemail, Namecheap Private Email, and Shared Hosting addresses. If you face this error, check if the mailbox exists and it’s not full as well as the domain name is registered and active. If the domain was recently updated, DNS propagation may be causing temporary issues — please wait up to 72 hours and try again. If the issue persists - please reach to Customer Support Live Chat or email us to
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