Alternatively, you can go to your Namecheap account > menu Apps > click on the Supersonic CDN icon:
Then press Log in with Namecheap > click the Manage option near the domain > then, in the following Dashboard press "Purge All" in the Cache option:
2. Check the settings
Go to the CDN Settings menu and check the settings:
HTTPS connection is set up before the address when the SSL is installed and HTTP if there is no SSL for the website.
The Origin address should be the same as ALIAS. You can find the ALIAS record for the domain in your Namecheap account >> Apps >> click on the EasyWP icon >> Manage option >> Domain field >> Change option >> Domain on another provider.
3. Change Query String Control
Additionally, you can change the Query String Control from Ignore Query String to Cache All Query String in the Cache field of the CDN Settings option:
NOTE: In some cases, it can take up to 30 minutes for changes to be applied.