EasyWP: How to check CPU & RAM usage

It is very important to be aware of the server resources your EasyWP website is using. It helps you understand whether you need to change the plan of your subscription to a more powerful one, or you need to optimize your website.

CPU Usage specifies how much of the allocated CPU resources you are currently using. If the CPU usage reaches 100%, it indicates that your website is using all of the CPU resources allocated, and no new requests will be processed until the existing ones are complete. This can cause your website to slow down dramatically and, in extreme cases, even time out.

RAM or Physical Memory Usage is responsible for storing and making available, temporarily, all the data needed to run a website. If this value reaches the limit, you may face 502/503/504 errors. Many reasons may cause this issue: a poorly optimized website, heavy theme or plugin, number of visitors, a DDoS attack, etc.

For our EasyWP plans (Starter, Turbo, and Supersonic), the CPU/RAM limits are as follows:

Resource TypeStarterTurboSupersonic
CPU0.5 Core
0.75 Core1.125 Core
RAM512 MB768 MB1152 MB

To check website resources, use the Analytics menu built into your EasyWP Dashboard. In this section, you can check the detailed CPU and RAM usage that can help you to monitor your website's performance.

1. From within your EasyWP Dashboard, click the needed website and choose the Analytics tab:

2. You can check the metrics for the following periods: last hour, today, yesterday, last 7 days, and last 30 days. Change the time range to last 7 days on the right side to check the resource usage from a time perspective:

3. The Usage Report section shows how stable was the usage of CPU/RAM during the specified time frame. Switch to the desired period to see a more detailed report:

If you notice that the usage of one or both of the parameters is not stable, check the suggested optimization tips:

Immediately with the EasyWP dashboard, you will be able to upgrade your current EasyWP plan to increase CPU and memory capacity, or access to the theme of your site, plugins, etc.

These are the basic optimization tips that will help you decrease the load on the server and speed up your website. To check more advanced instructions on website optimization, refer to this article.

If you have additional questions or need any help, feel free to contact our customer support.

That's it!

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