Auto-renew payment declines for cards issued by Indian banks

From October 1, 2021, banks, financial institutions, and payment gateways related to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will need additional approval for auto-renewable transactions worth over 5000 INR (check the conversion rate here). This process will involve notifications, e-mandates, and Additional Factors of Authentication (AFA).

The directive impacts transactions for debit cards as well as credit cards. Learn more about the requirements from RBI here (available from Indian IP addresses).

All auto-renew transactions made with cards issued by Indian banks are declined by a bank.

For now, there’s no other quick solution as banks are currently in the early stages of updating their systems to comply with the RBI directives. There are over a hundred issuing banks in India, and fully adapting to the new requirements is expected to take some time.

Please use the following workarounds to proceed with the payment:

  • It might help to re-add the credit card to your account. This video guide will be of help to you;
  • If you want to have the services auto-renewed, add funds to your Namecheap account balance. For auto-renewals, we'll attempt to charge your Namecheap account balance first. If there are insufficient funds in your account, we'll try using your payment cards next – a default card first, followed by any alternative cards in the specified order;
  • Try to renew the up-for-renewal services manually using a credit card, PayPal, or funds.

If you have any questions or any assistance is required, feel free to contact our Support Team.

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