How can I use FastVPN on my Xbox One and Xbox 360?

You can use FastVPN on your Xbox One and Xbox 360, but you will not be able to configure any VPN service or install an app directly on the console itself. This means the process is a little more complicated but the setup may be easily done using these step-by-step instructions. There are three options available to you.

Option 1: Use a FastVPN on your router

Since your Xbox One and Xbox 360 are connected to the internet using your router, the latter is the next device in the chain that can provide a VPN connection.

To set up a FastVPN conection on your router, you can use our routers setup guide.

After your FastVPN connection is successfully configured on your router, all you have to do is to turn on your Xbox 360 & Xbox One Wi-Fi to connect to the router. For this, please follow the steps below:

1. On your Xbox controller, click the LIVE button to open the menu.

2. Go to the Settings tab and select System Settings:

Screenshot of setup screen on Xbox

3. Choose Network Settings under the System Settings tab:

A yellow box indicates where to set up a wireless network on on Xbox.

4. Under the Network Settings tab, select your wireless network that will be automatically detected by the Xbox:

Note: If you don't see the SSID of your network in this list, your Xbox One might be too far away from your router. Use a different device to verify that your wireless network is working and try moving the Xbox One closer to the router.

5. Enter your Wi-Fi password:

6. Accept all settings and proceed with Test Connection.

7. Once the connection is set up, simply sign in to your Xbox 360 & Xbox One account.

Option 2: Set up a FastVPN for Xbox via your Windows PC

There is also a way to share a connection between your Xbox and a Windows 10 PC. It is essentially the same method as connecting with a Mac but it uses the Windows equivalent of Internet Sharing. As above, your computer will need both an Ethernet port and Wi-Fi (or a second Ethernet port) in order to connect to your broadband router for an internet connection.

1. Connect the Xbox to your computer via cable.

2. Setup Internet Connection Sharing on your Windows PC.

3. Launch the FastVPN app on your Windows PC and start the connection to the desired server.

4. On your Xbox controller, click the LIVE button to open the menu.

5. Go to the Settings tab and select System Settings:

6. Choose Network Settings under the System Settings tab.

7. Under the Network Settings tab, select Wired Network:

8. Accept all settings and proceed with Test Connection.

9. Once the connection is set up, simply sign in to your Xbox 360 & Xbox One account.

That’s it!

If you need any further assistance, please contact our Support Team.
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