EasyWP: How to cancel a subscription

If you have any problems with your website, please contact our Support team. We will be happy to check everything and assist you.

In case you are confident in your decision, please check the next options for canceling the subscription.

NOTE: If you would like to cancel the subscription within the 30 days from the date of subscription creation or within 24 hours after the subscription renewal and want to get a refund, it is required to contact our Support.
There are two possible ways to cancel your EasyWP subscription. Keep the subscription for the remainder of days in your subscription month, or cancel with immediate effect.

Turn off Auto-renewal to let the subscription expire

The first one is just to turn the auto-renewal OFF and let the subscription expire. To turn it off, log in to your Namecheap account and navigate to the Apps menu:

Select the Subscriptions tab to proceed:

Once there, find the EasyWP subscription you want to cancel and simply switch the toggle OFF. It will become grey:

After that, the subscription will not be renewed for the next billing period and will be canceled automatically after the current one.

Cancel subscription with immediate effect

If you want to cancel it immediately and not wait until your subscription expires, contact our Support Team. They can assist you with this and they’re available round the clock.

NOTE: Once your cancellation request is processed, your website and all its content will be removed immediately and permanently.

That’s it!
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