How to upgrade/downgrade Supersonic CDN

Namecheap offers the next Supersonic CDN plans currently: Free, Basic, Medium, Advanced.

You can easily upgrade your current plan within the Supersonic CDN account.

NOTE: There is no option to downgrade the subscription after choosing a plan.

In order to upgrade to another plan, following the next steps:

1. Login to your Supersonic CDN account from the Namecheap account >> Apps menu:

The Apps management option in the Namecheap Dashboard is selected

2. There is a Quick Actions menu on the right side of the Overview page. Find your current CDN plan there and click on the Upgrade button next to it:

An arrow points to the option to upgrade your CDN

3. Choose the new Content Delivery Network plan you want to upgrade to.

You can compare the features of all the plans here.

Continue the process:

 Screenshot with the Basic CDN plan selected

4. On the next stage you can check the payment methods you may use: Credit Card, PayPal or Account funds.

Choose the payment method you would like to use and Confirm the payment:

5. Once done, you will be redirected to the Overview page where the new plan will be already shown in Quick Actions.

That's it!

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