How does Namecheap investigate Suspected Email Abuse/Spam?

Namecheap investigates all allegations of spam related to our services. If we verify that emails are coming from our services (either private email and web hosting email services), appropriate action will be taken. The steps below will help Namecheap in its investigation.  

When reporting email abuse, you must provide the information listed below as Evidence:
In particular, the Full Email Header provides the necessary information to determine if the email(s) are using Namecheap’s services. If you cannot provide the Full Email Header and the domain is registered with Namecheap, we will investigate to determine whether the domain is blacklisted by trusted organizations (like Spamhaus or SURBL) and, if so, take action accordingly.

NOTE: We recommend that, before reporting email abuse, you follow the unsubscribe link in the email you received, in case it was a simple error, and get in touch with us if you keep receiving the reported email(s).


Does your investigation differ for registered and hosted domains?

Domains are simply a website address (such as All domains are “registered” with a registrar. However, the registrar may not provide email services or host the websites content. When the website uses a company’s hosting services to store their site, this is considered “hosting” and the content for the site resides on the hosting company’s servers. Namecheap provides both types of services; however, a customer may or may not choose to use Namecheap for each.

Namecheap’s investigation, regardless of whether we are registrar and/or hosting company, is the same for both. Our primary focus is to verify whether emails (which may be sent using private email services or from a hosted website) are using Namecheap services. Providing the information requested, especially Full Email Headers, allows Namecheap to verify this.

Does Namecheap investigate Unauthorized SMS / Text Messages?

Namecheap does not provide telecommunication services, which are the type of services used and required to send SMS/Text messages. If you’ve received unauthorized SMS/Text messages, please contact your mobile service provider or you may file an official complaint to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Does Namecheap send the Spam I’m receiving?

No. Namecheap only sends emails to customers who have accounts with us. Our communications comply with mandated notices (such as those required by ICANN) and those communications that our customers have agreed to receive. In short, Namecheap does not Spam.

If you receive unauthorized emails from customers of Namecheap, we will investigate and take appropriate action.  

How do I reach the Sender directly if they are a Namecheap Customer?

If the domain is registered with Namecheap, you may get in touch with the domain name holder directly by using the Whois details that are assigned to that domain name.

Due to global privacy laws and ICANN regulations, Whois details are hidden by the privacy protection service. However, you may still reach the domain registrant directly by sending your email to the protected email address (like **** It will be automatically directed to the real email address of the domain holder.  

Please note that Namecheap cannot provide confidential customer information such as contact information of the domain name holders without a valid U.S. Court Order or Subpoena. Please refer to Namecheap Court Order and Subpoena Policy.
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