Generating a CSR on ISPConfig

Take the hassle out of SSL installation with our service.

A CSR (Certificate Signing Request) code is what you’ll need to activate an SSL certificate in your Namecheap account.

Here are the illustrated steps for you to do that:

  1. Login to ISPConfig dashboard via port 8080. (e.g.
  2. Click Sites in the main menu.

  3. Click on the domain name you want to generate a CSR for.

  4. Select the SSL tab.

  5. Fill in the fields using this guidance:

    • State field: complete name of your state or region.
    • Locality field: complete name of your city or locality.
    • Organization field: the officially registered name for your business. If it’s not registered, type N/A. For Organization and Extended Validation Certificates, you’ll submit additional official paperwork for the Certificate Authority to check.
    • Organization Unit field: the name of a division or department within your officially registered organization. If it’s not registered, type N/A.
    • Country field: select from the drop-down list.
    • SSL Domain field: choose whether you do or don’t want to include the www subdomain for your certificate.
      Note: If you’re using a single-domain certificate, the www subdomain and domain name are included in your certificate by default. Or if you have a Wildcard certificate, select the domain with an * (asterisk) next to it.
    • SSL Action: scroll down and choose the Create certificate option from the drop-down menu in this section.

    Click Save.

  6. Go to the Websites page.

  7. Click the SSL tab. Now you will see that the SSL Key, SSL Request, SSL Certificate boxes have information in them:

    • SSL Request - your CSR code. Keep it safe, you’ll need it during the SSL activation. i.e. the information starting and ending with these tags: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----.
    • SSL Key - your RSA private key code. It will be automatically saved in the ISPConfig panel i.e. the information starting and ending with these tags: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.
    • SSL Certificate – self-signed certificate details. These are not needed to continue the SSL installation process.

  8. Copy all the content in the SSL Request field:

  9. Go to your Namecheap account and proceed with the SSL Certificate Activation Steps.
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