How to switch protocols for FastVPN on Windows?

To change protocols on Windows, follow the steps below:
1. Start the Windows FastVPN app.

2. Log into your FastVPN app with your FastVPN username and password.

3. Select Settings in the menu on the left:

4. Under Protocol Settings, you can select the preferred protocol:
  • IKEv2 - a 256-bit encryption, secure, stable and mobile oriented. Choose the IKEv2 protocol and click the Connect VPN button. Once you connect to the server, FastVPN will automatically establish a secure VPN connection using IKEv2.

  • WireGuard®* - fast, secure, easy-to-use protocol has strong encryption, perfect forward secrecy, and minimal attack surface.

    WireGuard® is a modern VPN protocol that offers improved performance, security, and simplicity compared to traditional VPN protocols. With WireGuard® you can enjoy faster VPN speeds, better encryption, and lower latency, making your online experience even more seamless.

    To use WireGuard®, simply update your FastVPN app to the latest version, choose the WireGuard® protocol and click the Connect VPN button. Once you connect to the server, FastVPN will automatically establish a secure VPN connection using WireGuard®.

    *All Rights Reserved. "WireGuard" and the "WireGuard" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld.

  • OpenVPN - also a 256-bit encryption protocol. Has strong desktop support and requires third-party software:
    • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - high reliability compatibility.
    • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - best for slow connections and transmitting time-sensitive data.
    • Scramble function allows you to add obfuscation capability to OpenVPN in order to bypass network sensors that detect VPN usage in order to block it.
    • Install/Reinstall Tap Driver will install the required third-party software for using OpenVPN.

    Choose the OpenVPN protocol, select the necessary type (TCP or UDP) and click Connect VPN button. Once you connect to the server, FastVPN will automatically establish a secure VPN connection using OpenVPN.

  • In order to use OpenVPN, the TAP driver is required. If you do not have it, a corresponding pop up will appear. Please click Install:

    : You can force the installation of the Tap driver by clicking the Install/Reinstall Tap Driver.

If you need any further assistance, please contact our Support Team.

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