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Both HTTP GET and POST are supported by this method.


Creates a renewal SSL certificate

Example Request


Request Parameters

Global parameters are not shown here (for clarity), but they should be present in all requests.

Parameter Data Type MaxLength Required? Description
CertificateID Number 9 Yes Unique ID of the SSL certificate you wish to renew
Years Number 1 Yes Number of years renewal SSL will be issued for
Allowed values: 1,2,3,4,5
SSLType String 50 Yes SSL product name. See "Possible values for SSLType parameter" below this table.
PromotionCode String 20 No Promotional (coupon) code for the certificate

Possible values for SSLType parameter:

PositiveSSL, EssentialSSL, InstantSSL, InstantSSL Pro, PremiumSSL, EV SSL, PositiveSSL Wildcard, EssentialSSL Wildcard, PremiumSSL Wildcard, PositiveSSL Multi Domain, Multi Domain SSL, Unified Communications, EV Multi Domain SSL.

SSL certificates classification by domain coverage and validation type:
  • Domain Validation (DV): PositiveSSL, EssentialSSL, 
  • Organization Validation (OV): InstantSSL, InstantSSL Pro, PremiumSSL
  • Extended Validation (EV): EV SSL
  • Domain Validation (DV): PositiveSSL Wildcard, EssentialSSL Wildcard
  • Organization Validation (OV):  PremiumSSL Wildcard
  • Domain Validation (DV): PositiveSSL Multi Domain
  • Organization Validation (OV): Multi Domain SSL, Unified Communications
  • Extended Validation (EV): EV Multi Domain SSL
  • Renewal certificate can be purchased if the renewed certificate's (a) status is ACTIVE, (b) it's 90 days before its expiration date OR 180 days after its expiration date
  • Renewal certificate created as result of this API still needs to be activated
  • Activating renewal certificate before the renewed certificate's expiry will transfer the days left until expiry into the renewal certificate
  • It's not possible to specify number of SANSToAdd in renew API. Renewal certificate will be created with the exact same number of SANS that the renewed certificate has.

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApiResponse Status="OK" xmlns="http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response">
    <CommandResponse Type="namecheap.ssl.renew">
        <SSLRenewResult CertificateID="123456" SSLType="PositiveSSL" Years="1" OrderId="1234567" TransactionId="1234567" ChargedAmount="9.0000"/>

Response Parameters

Name Description
CertificateID A unique integer value that identifies the renewal certificate created as result of renewal
Years Number of years for which the renewal certificate will be valid once it is issued
Order ID A unique integer value that identifies the renewal order
TransactionID A unique integer value that identifies the renewal transaction
ChargedAmount The amount charged for the order

Error Codes

Specifies the error codes returned by this method

Number Description
2010167 Parameter Years is Missing
2010294 Parameter CertificateID is Missing
2010301 Parameter SSLType is Missing
2011167 Parameter Years is Invalid
2011170 Promotion code is not available
2011170 Promotion code usage exceeded
2011170 Promotion code is not started yet.
2011170 Promotion code is expired
2011170 Promotion code requires username.
2011170 Access denied for the promotion code
2011170 Promotion code is not active
2011170 Error occured while validating promotion code
2011294 Parameter CertificateID is Invalid
2011301 Parameter SSLType is not valid
2011301 We\'re sorry, the requested SSL type has been discontinued
2012301 SSLType Mismatch
2013167 Parameter Years is TooLong
2013167 Parameter Years is OutOfRange. Max Years value for this Type is 2.
2013167 Parameter Years is OutOfRange
2013170 Parameter PromotionCode is TooLong
2013294 Parameter CertificateID is TooLong
2013301 Parameter SSLType is TooLong
2528166 Order creation failed
2528166 ORDER CREATION FAILED; INSUFFICIENTFUNDS;Insufficient funds in account; Sorry! Your available balance is insufficient to cover the current billing amount;
4011294 Certificate not meet the ExpireDate. So cannot Renew
4011294 Cannot renew with Year=3 when certificate\'s days to expire > 90. Try again when certificate\'s days to expire <= 90
4011294 CertificateID is invalid
4011331 Certificate status is invalid
4028294 This CertificateID is already queued for Renewal
4080167 Due to recent CA/B Forum updates, it is no longer possible to purchase 4- and 5-year certificates after March 1, 2015. Please contact our support team.
4080167 Due to revised CA/B Forum regulations, it is no longer possible to activate 3-, 4-, and 5-year certificates after March 1, 2018. Please contact our support team.


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