API Documentation

Everything you need to know, in one place

IMPORTANT: Our privacy service provider recently changed to WithheldforPrivacy. We want to avoid service interruption for our API users, so please note that in some cases, you may still see Whoisguard in the API parameter names.


Gets contact information for the requested domain

Example Request


Request Parameters

Global parameters are not shown here (for clarity), but they should be present in all requests.

Name Type MaxLength Required? Description
DomainName String 70 Yes Domain to get contacts

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApiResponse xmlns="http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response" Status="OK">
  <Errors />
  <CommandResponse Type="namecheap.domains.getContacts">
    <DomainContactsResult Domain="domain1.com" domainnameid="3152456">
      <Registrant ReadOnly="false">
        <JobTitle>Software Developer</JobTitle>
        <Address1>8939 S. cross Blvd</Address1>
        <Address2>ca 110-708</Address2>
      <Tech ReadOnly="false">
        <JobTitle>Software Developer</JobTitle>
        <Address1>8939 S. cross Blvd</Address1>
        <Address2>ca 110-708</Address2>
      <Admin ReadOnly="false">
        <JobTitle>Software Developer</JobTitle>
        <Address1>8939 S. cross Blvd</Address1>
        <Address2>ca 110-708</Address2>
      <AuxBilling ReadOnly="false">
        <JobTitle>Software Developer</JobTitle>
        <Address1>8939 S. cross Blvd</Address1>
        <Address2>ca 110-708</Address2>
        <RegistrantNexusCountry />
        <Registrant ReadOnly="true">
          <OrganizationName>Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf</OrganizationName>
          <FirstName>Withheld for</FirstName>
          <LastName>Privacy Purposes</LastName>
          <Address1>Kalkofnsvegur 2</Address1>
          <Address2 />
          <StateProvince>Capital Region</StateProvince>
          <StateProvinceChoice>Capital Region</StateProvinceChoice>
          <Fax />
          <PhoneExt />
        <Tech ReadOnly="true">
          <OrganizationName>Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf</OrganizationName>
          <FirstName>Withheld for</FirstName>
          <LastName>Privacy Purposes</LastName>
          <Address1>Kalkofnsvegur 2</Address1>
          <Address2 />
          <StateProvince>Capital Region</StateProvince>
          <StateProvinceChoice>Capital Region</StateProvinceChoice>
          <Fax />
          <PhoneExt />
        <Admin ReadOnly="true">
          <OrganizationName>Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf</OrganizationName>
          <FirstName>Withheld for</FirstName>
          <LastName>Privacy Purposes</LastName>
          <Address1>Kalkofnsvegur 2</Address1>
          <Address2 />
          <StateProvince>Capital Region</StateProvince>
          <StateProvinceChoice>Capital Region</StateProvinceChoice>
          <Fax />
          <PhoneExt />
        <AuxBilling ReadOnly="true">
          <OrganizationName>Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf</OrganizationName>
          <FirstName>Withheld for</FirstName>
          <LastName>Privacy Purposes</LastName>
          <Address1>Kalkofnsvegur 2</Address1>
          <Address2 />
          <StateProvince>Capital Region</StateProvince>
          <StateProvinceChoice>Capital Region</StateProvinceChoice>
          <Fax />
          <PhoneExt />
        <CurrentAttributes />

Response Parameters

Name Description
Domain The registered domain name
DomainnameID A unique integer value that represents the domain
Readonly Possible values: True, False. Indicates whether contact information can be edited or is read-only.

Error Codes

Specifies the error codes that might be returned from this method

Number Description
2019166 Domain not found
2016166 Domain is not associated with your account
4019337 Unable to retrieve domain contacts
3016166 Domain is not associated with Enom
3019510 This domain has expired/ was transferred out/ is not associated with your account
3050900 Unknown response from provider
5050900 Unknown exceptions


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