API Documentation

Everything you need to know, in one place

IMPORTANT: Our privacy service provider recently changed to WithheldforPrivacy. We want to avoid service interruption for our API users, so please note that in some cases, you may still see Whoisguard in the API parameter names.

UPDATE: Free PositiveSSL is no longer supported. Please do not send the AddFreePositiveSSL parameter.


Registers a new domain

  • We recommend using the HTTP POST method for this command.

  • For successful registration of an IDN domain, you need to send the IdnCode parameter and provide the domain name in the Punycode format (Example: xn--sdkhjsdhfkdh.com), as we do not support native code.

Example Requests


Request Parameters

Global parameters are not shown here (for clarity), but they should be present in all requests.

Name Type MaxLength Required? Description
DomainName String 70 Yes Domain name to register
Years Number 2 Yes Number of years to register
Default Value: 2
PromotionCode String 20 No Promotional (coupon) code for the domain
RegistrantOrganizationName String 255 No Organization of the Registrant user
RegistrantJobTitle String 255 No Job title of the Registrant user
RegistrantFirstName String 255 Yes First name of the Registrant user
RegistrantLastName String 255 Yes Second name of the Registrant user
RegistrantAddress1 String 255 Yes Address1 of the Registrant user
RegistrantAddress2 String 255 No Address2 of the Registrant user
RegistrantCity String 50 Yes City of the Registrant user
RegistrantStateProvince String 50 Yes State/Province of the Registrant user
RegistrantStateProvinceChoice String 50 No StateProvinceChoice of the Registrant user
RegistrantPostalCode String 50 Yes PostalCode of the Registrant user
RegistrantCountry String 50 Yes Country of the Registrant user
RegistrantPhone String 50 Yes Phone number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
RegistrantPhoneExt String 50 No PhoneExt of the Registrant user
RegistrantFax String 50 No Fax number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
RegistrantEmailAddress String 255 Yes Email address of the Registrant user
TechOrganizationName String 255 No Organization of the Tech user
TechJobTitle String 255 No Job title of the Tech user
TechFirstName String 255 Yes First name of the Tech user
TechLastName String 255 Yes Second name of the Tech user
TechAddress1 String 255 Yes Address1 of the Tech user
TechAddress2 String 255 No Address2 of the Tech user
TechCity String 50 Yes City of the Tech user
TechStateProvince String 50 Yes State/Province of the Tech user
TechStateProvinceChoice String 50 No StateProvinceChoice of the Tech user
TechPostalCode String 50 Yes PostalCode of the Tech user
TechCountry String 50 Yes Country of the Tech user
TechPhone String 50 Yes Phone number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
TechPhoneExt String 50 No PhoneExt of the Tech user
TechFax String 50 No Fax number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
TechEmailAddress String 255 Yes Email address of the Tech user
AdminOrganizationName String 255 No Organization of the Admin user
AdminJobTitle String 255 No Job title of the Admin user
AdminFirstName String 255 Yes First name of the Admin user
AdminLastName String 255 Yes Second name of the Admin user
AdminAddress1 String 255 Yes Address1 of the Admin user
AdminAddress2 String 255 No Address2 of the Admin user
AdminCity String 50 Yes City of the Admin user
AdminStateProvince String 50 Yes State/Province of the Admin user
AdminStateProvinceChoice String 50 No StateProvinceChoice of the Admin user
AdminPostalCode String 50 Yes PostalCode of the Admin user
AdminCountry String 50 Yes Country of the Admin user
AdminPhone String 50 Yes Phone number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
AdminPhoneExt String 50 No PhoneExt of the Admin user
AdminFax String 50 No Fax number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
AdminEmailAddress String 255 Yes Email address of the Admin user
AuxBillingOrganizationName String 255 No Organization of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingJobTitle String 255 No Job title of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingFirstName String 255 Yes First name of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingLastName String 255 Yes Second name of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingAddress1 String 255 Yes Address1 of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingAddress2 String 255 No Address2 of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingCity String 50 Yes City of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingStateProvince String 50 Yes State/Province of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingStateProvinceChoice String 50 No StateProvinceChoice of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingPostalCode String 50 Yes PostalCode of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingCountry String 50 Yes Country of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingPhone String 50 Yes Phone number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
AuxBillingPhoneExt String 50 No PhoneExt of the AuxBilling user
AuxBillingFax String 50 No Fax number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
AuxBillingEmailAddress String 255 Yes Email address of the AuxBilling user
BillingFirstName String 255 No First name of the Billing user
BillingLastName String 255 No Second name of the Billing user
BillingAddress1 String 255 No Address1 of the Billing user
BillingAddress2 String 255 No Address2 of the Billing user
BillingCity String 50 No City of the Billing user
BillingStateProvince String 50 No State/Province of the Billing user
BillingStateProvinceChoice String 50 No StateProvinceChoice of the Billing user
BillingPostalCode String 50 No PostalCode of the Billing user
BillingCountry String 50 No Country of the Billing user
BillingPhone String 50 No Phone number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
BillingPhoneExt String 50 No PhoneExt of the Billing user
BillingFax String 50 No Fax number in the format +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
BillingEmailAddress String 255 No Email address of the Billing user
IdnCode String 100 No Code of Internationalized Domain Name (please refer to the note below)
Extended attributes String No Yes Required for .us, .eu, .ca, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, .nu , .com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .es, .nom.es, .com.es, .org.es, .de, .fr TLDs only
Nameservers String No No Comma-separated list of custom nameservers to be associated with the domain name
AddFreeWhoisguard String 10 No Adds free domain privacy for the domain
Default Value: no
WGEnabled String 10 No Enables free domain privacy for the domain
Default Value: no
IsPremiumDomain Boolean 10 No Indication if the domain name is premium
PremiumPrice Currency 20 No Registration price for the premium domain
EapFee Currency 20 No Purchase fee for the premium domain during Early Access Program (EAP)*

*Currently, Namecheap does not support registration of premium domains during EAP.

Possible values for the IdnCode parameter

afr, alb, ara, arg, arm, asm, ast, ave, awa, aze, bak, bal, ban, baq, bas, bel, ben, bho, bos, bul, bur, car, cat, che, chi, chv, cop, cos, cze, dan, div, doi, dut, eng, est, fao, fij, fin, fre, fry, geo, ger, gla, gle, gon, gre, guj, heb, hin, hun, inc, ind, inh, isl, ita, jav, jpn, kas, kaz, khm, kir, kor, kur, lao, lav, lit, ltz, mal, mkd, mlt, mol, mon, mri, msa, nep, nor, ori, oss, pan, per, pol, por, pus, raj, rum, rus, san, scr, sin, slo, slv, smo, snd, som, spa, srd, srp, swa, swe, syr, tam, tel, tgk, tha, tib, tur, ukr, urd, uzb, vie, wel, yid

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ApiResponse xmlns="http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response" Status="OK">
<CommandResponse Type="namecheap.domains.create">
<DomainCreateResult Domain="aa.us.com" Registered="true" ChargedAmount="200.8700" DomainID="103877" OrderID="22158" TransactionID="51284" WhoisguardEnable="false" NonRealTimeDomain="false"/>

Response Parameters

Name Description
Domain Domain name that you are trying to register.
Registered Possible responses: True, False. Indicates whether the domain was registered.
ChargedAmount Total amount charged for registration.
DomainID Unique integer value that represents the domain.
OrderID Unique integer value that represents the order.
TransactionID Unique integer value that represents the transaction.
WhoisguardEnable Possible responses: True, False. Indicates whether domain privacy protection is enabled for the domain.
NonRealTimeDomain Possible responses: True, False. Indicates whether the domain registration is instant (real-time) or not.

Error Codes

Specifies the error codes that might be returned from this method

Number Description
2033409 Possibly a logical error at the authentication phase. The order chargeable for the Username is not found
2033407, 2033270 Cannot enable domain privacy when AddWhoisguard is set to NO
2015182 Contact phone is invalid. The phone number format is +NNN.NNNNNNNNNN
2015267 EUAgreeDelete option should not be set to NO
2011170 Validation error from PromotionCode
2011280 Validation error from TLD
2015167 Validation error from Years
2030280 TLD is not supported in API
2011168 Nameservers are not valid
2011322 Extended Attributes are not valid
2010323 Check the required field for billing domain contacts
2528166 Order creation failed
3019166, 4019166 Domain not available
3031166 Error while getting information from the provider
3028166 Error from Enom ( Errcount <> 0 )
3031900 Unknown response from the provider
4023271 Error while adding a free PositiveSSL for the domain
3031166 Error while getting a domain status from Enom
4023166 Error while adding a domain
5050900 Unknown error while adding a domain to your account
4026312 Error in refunding funds
5026900 Unknown exceptions error while refunding funds
2515610 Prices do not match
2515623 Domain is premium while considered regular or is regular while considered premium
2005 Country name is not valid


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