Extended Attributes
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
RegistrantNexus | C11, C12, C21, C31, C32 | Yes | refer to notes below |
RegistrantNexusCountry | No | No | Two-digit country code |
RegistrantPurpose | P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 | Yes | refer to notes below |
represents a natural person who is a US citizen; C12
represents a natural person who is a permanent resident; C21
represents an entity or an organization; C31
represents a foreign organization; C32
represents a foreign organization that has an office in US.
represents a business organization; P2
represents a non-profit or religious organization or association; P3
represents personal purpose; P4
represents educational purpose; P5
represents government purpose organization, etc.
.EU Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
EUAgreeWhoisPolicy | YES | Yes | refer to .EU Policy below |
EUAgreeDeletePolicy | YES, NO | Yes | refer to .EU deletion rules below |
EUAdrLang | BG, CS, DS, NL, EN, EL, PT ET, FI, FR, DE, HU, IT, LV, LI, MT, PL, RO, SK, SL, ES, SV | No | refer to note below |
.EU Policy
I hereby agree that the Registry is entitled to transfer the data contained in this application to third parties (i) if ordered to do so by a public authority, carrying out its legitimate tasks; and (ii) upon demand of an ADR Provider as mentioned in section 16 of the .EU Terms and Conditions and (iii) as provided in Section 2 (WHOIS look-up facility) of the .EU Domain Name WHOIS Policy.
.EU Deletion Rules
I agree and acknowledge to the special renewal and expiration terms set forth below for this domain name, including those terms set forth in the Registration Agreement. I understand that unless I have set this domain for autorenewal, this domain name must be explicitly renewed by the expiration date or the 20th of the month of expiration, whichever is sooner. (e.g. If the name expires on Sept 4th, 2008, then a manual renewal must be received by Sept 4th, 2008. If name expires on Sep 27th, 2008, the renewal request must be received prior to Sep 20th, 2008). If the name is not manually renewed or previously set to autorenew, a delete request will be issued by Namecheap. When a delete request is issued, the name will remain fully functional in my account until expiration, but will no longer be renewable nor will I be able to make any modifications to the name. These terms are subject to change.
stands for Bulgaria; CS
stands for Czech; DS
stands for Danish; NL
stands for Dutch; EN
stands for English; ET
stands for Estonian; FI
stands for Finnish; FR
stands for French; DE
stands for German; EL
stands for Greek; HU
stands for Hungarian; IT
stands for Italian; LV
stands for Latvian; LI
stands for Lithuanian; MT
stands for Maltese; PL
stands for Polish; RO
stands for Romania; SK
stands for Slovak; SL
stands for Slovenian; ES
stands for Spanish; SV
stands for Swedish.
.NU Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
NUOrgNo | No | Yes | Personal Identification Number |
NUvatNo | No | No | Swedish Organization in addition to Corporation ID, user can also optionally provide additional Tax/VAT Number. |
For NUOrgNo
parameter, the Swedish Resident, should provide a valid
- Personal Identification Number, if registrant is an individual
- Organization Identification Number, if the registrant is a corporation registered in Sweden.
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
CIRALegalType | CCO, CCT, RES, GOV, EDU, ASS, HOP, PRT, TDM, TRD, PLT, LAM, TRS, ABO, INB, LGR, OMK, MAJ | Yes | Legal Type of Registrant Contact |
CIRAWhoisDisplay | Full, Private | Yes | Individuals (CCT, RES, ABO, LGR) may keep their Registrant contact information private in CIRA’s Whois; non-individuals must show their full Registrant information. |
CIRAAgreementVersion | 2.0 | Yes | Version of the CIRA Registrant Agreement to which Registrant is agreeing. |
CIRAAgreementValue | Y | Yes | This value should be Y (agreed to agreement) for the domain to be registered. Passing other values will fail the registration. |
CIRALanguage | en, fr | No | Language in which to communicate with he contact. Default: en |
represents a Corporation; CCT
represents a Canadian citizen; RES
represents a Canadian resident; GOV
represents a Government entity; EDU
represents an Educational; ASS
represents a Unincorporated Association; HOP
represents a Hospital; PRT
represents a Partnership; TDM
represents a Trade-mark; TRD
represents a Trade Union; PLT
represents a Political Party; LAM
represents Libraries, Archives and Museums; TRS
represents a Trust; ABO
represents Aboriginal Peoples; INB
represents Indian Band; LGR
represents Legal Representative; OMK
represents an Official Mark; MAJ
represents The Queen.
.CO.UK Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
COUKLegalType | IND, FIND, LTD*, PLC*, PTNR, LLP*, IP, STRA, SCH, FOTHER, RCHAR*, GOV, OTHER, CRC, FCORP, STAT, FOTHER | Yes | Legal Type of Registrant Contact |
COUKCompanyID | No | No | Company Identification Number |
COUKRegisteredfor | No | Yes | Company or Person the domain is registered for |
represents a UK individual; FIND
represents a Non-UK individual; LTD
represents a UK Limited Company*; PLC
represents a UK Public Limited Company*; PTNR
represents UK Partnership; LLP
represents UK Limited Liability Partnership*; IP
represents UK Industrial/Provident Registered Company; STRA
represents UK Sole Trader; SCH
represents UK School; RCHAR
represents UK Registered Charity*; GOV
represents UK Government Body; OTHER
represents UK Entity (other); CRC
represents UK Corporation by Royal Charter; FCORP
represents Foreign Organization; STAT
represents UK Statutory Body FIND; FOTHER
represents Other Foreign Organizations.
For values marked with * symbol, the COUKCompanyID
parameter (company identification number) is required.
.ME.UK Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
MEUKLegalType | IND, FIND, LTD*, PLC*, PTNR, LLP*, IP, STRA, SCH, FOTHER, RCHAR*, GOV, OTHER, CRC, FCORP, STAT, FOTHER | Yes | Legal Type of Registrant Contact |
MEUKCompanyID | No | No | Company Identification Number |
MEUKRegisteredfor | No | Yes | Company or Person the domain is registered for |
represents a UK individual; FIND
represents a Non-UK individual; LTD
represents a UK Limited Company*; PLC
represents a UK Public Limited Company*; PTNR
represents UK Partnership; LLP
represents UK Limited Liability Partnership*; IP
represents UK Industrial/Provident Registered Company; STRA
represents UK Sole Trader; SCH
represents UK School; RCHAR
represents UK Registered Charity*; GOV
represents UK Government Body; OTHER
represents UK Entity (other); CRC
represents UK Corporation by Royal Charter; FCORP
represents Foreign Organization; STAT
represents UK Statutory Body FIND; FOTHER
represents Other Foreign Organizations.
For values marked with * symbol, the MEUKCompanyID
parameter (company identification number) is required.
.ORG.UK Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
ORGUKLegalType | IND, FIND, LTD*, PLC*, PTNR, LLP*, IP, STRA, SCH, FOTHER, RCHAR*, GOV, OTHER, CRC, FCORP, STAT, FOTHER | Yes | Legal Type of Registrant Contact |
ORGUKCompanyID | No | No | Company Identification Number |
ORGUKRegisteredfor | No | Yes | Company or Person the domain is registered for |
represents a UK individual; FIND
represents a Non-UK individual; LTD
represents a UK Limited Company*; PLC
represents a UK Public Limited Company*; PTNR
represents UK Partnership; LLP
represents UK Limited Liability Partnership*; IP
represents UK Industrial/Provident Registered Company; STRA
represents UK Sole Trader; SCH
represents UK School; RCHAR
represents UK Registered Charity*; GOV
represents UK Government Body; OTHER
represents UK Entity (other); CRC
represents UK Corporation by Royal Charter; FCORP
represents Foreign Organization; STAT
represents UK Statutory Body FIND; FOTHER
represents Other Foreign Organizations.
For values marked with * symbol, the ORGUKCompanyID
parameter (company identification number) is required.
.COM.AU Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
COMAURegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
COMAURegistrantIdType | ABN, ACN, RBN, TM | Yes | The registrant type |
represents Australian Business Number; ACN
represents Australian Company Number; RBN
represents Business Registration Number; TM
represents a Trademark Number.
.NET.AU Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
NETAURegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
NETAURegistrantIdType | ABN, ACN, RBN, TM | Yes | The registrant type |
represents Australian Business Number; ACN
represents Australian Company Number; RBN
represents Business Registration Number; TM
represents a Trademark Number.
.ORG.AU Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
ORGAURegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
ORGAURegistrantIdType | ABN, ACN, RBN, TM | Yes | The registrant type |
represents Australian Business Number; ACN
represents Australian Company Number; RBN
represents Business Registration Number; TM
represents a Trademark Number.
.ES Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
ESRegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
ESRegistrantIdType | ALIENID, GENERICID, VATID | Yes | The registrant type |
ESLegalFormType | Association, CentralGovernmentBody, CivilSociety, CommunityofOwners, CommunityProperty, Consulate, Cooperative, DesignationofOriginSupervisoryCouncil, EconomicInterestGroup, Embassy, EntityManagingNaturalAreas, FarmPartnership,Foundation, GeneralandLimitedPartnership, GeneralPartnership, Individual, LimitedCompany, LocalAuthority, LocalPublicEntity, MutualInsuranceCompany, NationalPublicEntity, OrderorReligiousInstitution, Others, PoliticalParty, ProfessionalAssociation, PublicLawAssociation, PublicLimitedCompany, RegionalGovernmentBody, RegionalPublicEntity, SavingsBank, SpanishOffice, SportsAssociation, Sports_Association, SportsFederation, TemporaryAllianceofEnterprises, TradeUnion, WorkerownedCompany, WorkerownedLimitedCompany | Yes | The legal form type |
EsAdminID | No | Yes | ID of the Admin |
ESAcceptAgreement | Yes, No | Yes | To agree the terms for the domain name |
.NOM.ES Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
NOMESRegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
NOMESRegistrantIdType | ALIENID, GENERICID, VATID | Yes | The registrant type |
NOMESLegalFormType | Association, CentralGovernmentBody, CivilSociety, CommunityofOwners, CommunityProperty, Consulate, Cooperative, DesignationofOriginSupervisoryCouncil, EconomicInterestGroup, Embassy, EntityManagingNaturalAreas, FarmPartnership,Foundation, GeneralandLimitedPartnership, GeneralPartnership, Individual, LimitedCompany, LocalAuthority, LocalPublicEntity, MutualInsuranceCompany, NationalPublicEntity, OrderorReligiousInstitution, Others, PoliticalParty, ProfessionalAssociation, PublicLawAssociation, PublicLimitedCompany, RegionalGovernmentBody, RegionalPublicEntity, SavingsBank, SpanishOffice, SportsAssociation, Sports_Association, SportsFederation, TemporaryAllianceofEnterprises, TradeUnion, WorkerownedCompany, WorkerownedLimitedCompany
| Yes | The legal form type |
.COM.ES Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
COMESRegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
COMESRegistrantIdType | ALIENID, GENERICID, VATID | Yes | The registrant type |
COMESLegalFormType | Association, CentralGovernmentBody, CivilSociety, CommunityofOwners, CommunityProperty, Consulate, Cooperative, DesignationofOriginSupervisoryCouncil, EconomicInterestGroup, Embassy, EntityManagingNaturalAreas, FarmPartnership,Foundation, GeneralandLimitedPartnership, GeneralPartnership, Individual, LimitedCompany, LocalAuthority, LocalPublicEntity, MutualInsuranceCompany, NationalPublicEntity, OrderorReligiousInstitution, Others, PoliticalParty, ProfessionalAssociation, PublicLawAssociation, PublicLimitedCompany, RegionalGovernmentBody, RegionalPublicEntity, SavingsBank, SpanishOffice, SportsAssociation, Sports_Association, SportsFederation, TemporaryAllianceofEnterprises, TradeUnion, WorkerownedCompany, WorkerownedLimitedCompany
| Yes | The legal form type |
.ORG.ES Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
ORGESRegistrantId | No | Yes | Id of the registrant |
ORGESRegistrantIdType | ALIENID, GENERICID, VATID | Yes | The registrant type |
ORGESLegalFormType | Association, CentralGovernmentBody, CivilSociety, CommunityofOwners, CommunityProperty, Consulate, Cooperative, DesignationofOriginSupervisoryCouncil, EconomicInterestGroup, Embassy, EntityManagingNaturalAreas, FarmPartnership,Foundation, GeneralandLimitedPartnership, GeneralPartnership, Individual, LimitedCompany, LocalAuthority, LocalPublicEntity, MutualInsuranceCompany, NationalPublicEntity, OrderorReligiousInstitution, Others, PoliticalParty, ProfessionalAssociation, PublicLawAssociation, PublicLimitedCompany, RegionalGovernmentBody, RegionalPublicEntity, SavingsBank, SpanishOffice, SportsAssociation, Sports_Association, SportsFederation, TemporaryAllianceofEnterprises, TradeUnion, WorkerownedCompany, WorkerownedLimitedCompany
| Yes | The legal form type |
.DE Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
DEConfirmAddress | DE | Yes | To confirm the Administrative address is a valid German address |
DEAgreeDelete | Yes, No | Yes | To agree the renewal terms for the domain name |
.FR Domains
Parameter | Possible Values | Required? | Description |
FRRegistrantBirthDate | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Individual |
FRRegistrantBirthplace | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Individual |
FRRegistrantLegalId | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . French company with a SIREN or SIRET number should continue to provide this number instead as legal id. The SIREN number is the first part of the SIRET NUMBER and consists of 9 digits. The SIRET number is a unique identification number with 14 digits.
FRRegistrantTradeNumber | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . Companies with a European trademark:For companies with a European trademark can additionally add their trademark number using this extension. |
FRRegistrantDunsNumber | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . The DUNS number is a nine-digit number, issued by Dun Bradstreet. DUNS is the abbreviation of Data Universal Numbering System. Companies with a valid DUNS number are still obliged having their head office in the territory of the European Union. The DUNS number can be provided using this extension.
FRRegistrantLocalId | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . Companies with a local identifier specific to a country of the European Economic Area can provide their local identifier using this extension. |
FRRegistrantJoDateDec | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . French associations listed with the Journal Officiel de la République Francaise - The official gazette of the French Republic: The Journal Official Associations publishes notices of creations, breakup or substantial changes with nonprofit associations in France. Using the website http://www.societe.com and the database they provide, query for the respective data below to register a .FR domain name. - The date of declaration of the association in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
FRRegistrantJoDatePub | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . The date of publication in the Journal Official in the form YYYY-MM-DD |
FRRegistrantJoNumber | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . The number of the Journal Official |
FRRegistrantJoPage | No | Yes | Required only when FRLegalType=Company . The page of the announcement in the Journal Official |
FRLegalType | Company, Individual | Yes | Registrant type |