.gay tld hero

Register your .GAY domain

Boost your brand today with a .GAY →

Why choose a .GAY domain?

Take pride and register a domain that represents the LGBTQ community today. An instantly recognizable term, get a .gay domain name and fly your virtual pride flag high.

Is a .GAY right for me?

Secure a dedicated online space to reach, celebrate, and interact with members of the LGBTQ community. Don’t miss out, .gay domain names are the perfect choice for businesses, organizations, and individuals to build an audience on the web.

Stand proud and stay safe

An industry first, the registry will be donating 20% of all registration revenue to LGBTQ non-profit organizations. The .gay domain will remain safe, with anti-LGBTQ content strictly prohibited and may end in domain suspension, as outlined in the .gay Rights Protections Policy.

Get your .gay domain for just



Discover .gay domain prices

  1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
.gay  registration

Personal ‘Whois’ data kept safe with Domain Privacy – FREE for life

90% off 1st year$30.98
90% off 1st year$61.96
90% off 1st year$92.94
90% off 1st year$123.92
90% off 1st year$154.90
.gay  renewal

Personal ‘Whois’ data kept safe with Domain Privacy – FREE for life

.gay  transfer

Personal ‘Whois’ data kept safe with Domain Privacy – FREE for life


Frequently asked questions

  • How can I ensure I don’t miss the Early Access Period (EAP) or General Availability (GA) Period?

    It’s easy! Sign up for updates and we will notify you via email as soon as the EAP or GA phase begins. Once open, you can register your .gay gTLD. The domain .gay is ideal for businesses and personal websites related to the LGTBQ community.

  • How much will a .gay domain name cost during the EAP?

    The prices for .gay domain names can be seen in our pricing table. They will be updated daily, starting with a high price on the first day, and dropping throughout the Early Access Period.

    During this phase, you’ll be among the first to register so the prices are higher as you will be more likely to secure the domain of your dreams. Excited for your .gay domain registration? Sign up and we’ll notify you by email as soon as you can register your TLD, .gay.

  • How will .gay remain a safe space for users?

    The .gay Rights Protection Policy exists to discourage homophobic, anti-LGBTQ usage. Actions will be taken by the Registry should a domain be used for any malicious or harmful activity. The following behaviors are prohibited on .gay domains:

    • Inciting or promoting violence against LGBTQ persons;
    • Bullying, engaging in cyberbullying or inciting others to bully;
    • Harassing, or encouraging others to harass or harm others;
    • Stalking;
    • Abusive intent to cause fear or threaten violence;
    • Hate speech;
    • or activity intended to organize, coordinate, or otherwise enable one of the above.

Still have questions?


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